定義 Definition
為了迎合數位時代的挑戰,AACR2R的維護機構--英美編目規則修訂委員會(Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR,簡稱JSC)跳過英美編目規則第三版(AACR3)草案,進一步研發新的內容標準(Resources Description and Access,簡稱RDA)。自此,「Anglo-American」從編目規則的名稱消失,圖書館界專用的「編目」(Cataloguing)也被換成比較一般性、容易為Metadata領域人士所瞭解的用詞,如「資源」(Resource)、「著錄」(Description)及「檢索」(Access)。 RDA的定位為內容標準,是一種專為數位環境中資源著錄與檢索而發展的新規則,將比舊有的AACR更具一般性及世界性。
Resource Description and Access or RDA is a set of instructions for the cataloguing of books and other materials held in libraries and other cultural organizations such as museums and galleries. RDA is intended to replace AACR2, a standard in widespread use in Anglo-American libraries. It is expected to be released online in June 2010.
RDA emerged from the International Conference on the Principles & Future Development of AACR held in Toronto in 1997[1]. It was quickly realised that substantial revision was required, which encouraged the adoption of a new title for what had been envisaged as a third edition of AACR.
RDA departs from AACR in its foundation on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR). These principles identify both the 'user tasks' which a library catalog should make possible and a hierarchy of relationships in bibliographic data. Nonetheless, descriptions produced using the instructions of RDA are intended to be compatible with the large number of existing records created under the rules of AACR2.
RDA emerged from the International Conference on the Principles & Future Development of AACR held in Toronto in 1997[1]. It was quickly realised that substantial revision was required, which encouraged the adoption of a new title for what had been envisaged as a third edition of AACR.
RDA departs from AACR in its foundation on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR). These principles identify both the 'user tasks' which a library catalog should make possible and a hierarchy of relationships in bibliographic data. Nonetheless, descriptions produced using the instructions of RDA are intended to be compatible with the large number of existing records created under the rules of AACR2.
‧相關圖書 Related Books
- 本館西文圖書相關館藏 Related English Books in NCCU Libraries(檢索策略:以關鍵字 "Resource Description and Access" or "RDA" 查詢)
‧相關期刊論文 Related Journal Articles
- 相關中文期刊論文 Related Chinese Journal Articles(檢索策略:以全部欄位 "資源描述與檢索" 查詢或關鍵詞 "Resource Description and Access" or "RDA")(僅提供連結 Only search interface)
- 相關西文期刊論文 Related English Journal Articles
‧相關網路資源 Related Websites resources
文章 Articles
- 數字時代的編目標準:RDA
- 基於本體的資源描述與檢索方法,許濤。
- 資源描述與檢索(RDA)的發展概況與應用前景,徐湧。
- RDA的推行與OCLC的態度,Debra。
- 21世紀初,讓我們分享標準與專業經驗:為編制元數據建立一種合作、跨行業的運作模式,陳寧翻譯。
網站 Websites
- The Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA (JSC)
The Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA (JSC) is responsible for maintaining “RDA: Resource Description and Access”. JSC was previously responsible for maintenance of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR), which RDA has been developed to replace.
- RDA: Resource Description & Access
The online RDA Toolkit subscription provides a one-stop resource for evaluating and implementing RDA, and is the most effective way to interact with the new standard.
- The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)
The mission of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative is to provide simple standards to facilitate the finding, sharing and management of information.
- CILIP-BL Committee on RDA
This is the website of the Chartered Institute of Information Professionals (CILIP) and British Library (BL) joint Committee on Resource Description and Access (RDA).