2015年6月10日 星期三

[日常辭典]- 翻轉教室 Flipped classroom

[翻轉教室 Flipped classroom]
主題小編 (2014/06/16)

翻轉教室的概念起源於2007年,美國科羅拉多州洛磯山林地公園高中 (Woodland Park High School)的化學老師:Jon Bergmann  Aaron Sams,兩位老師為了解決同學缺課的情形,開始使用螢幕擷取軟體錄製PowerPoint簡報與講解旁白。先將預錄好的影片上傳到YouTube網站,讓學生自行上網瀏覽學習。發現這種教學模式有所成效後,兩位老師開始改成以學生先在家看影片講解,再設計課堂互動時間來完成作業,或替實驗過程中遭遇困難的學生解惑的方式進行課程教學,同樣也獲得良好的反應,此模式也被定名為「翻轉課堂 (Flipped classroom)」。
資料來源:教育Wiki (2013)。翻轉教室(flipped classroom)。上網日期:2014515日,取自http://content.edu.tw/wiki/index.php/%E7%BF%BB%E8%BD%89%E6%95%99%E5%AE%A4%EF%BC%88flipped_classroom%EF%BC%89
Flip teaching or a flipped classroom is a form of blended learning in which students learn new content online by watching video lectures, usually at home, and what used to be homework (assigned problems) is now done in class with teachers offering more personalized guidance and interaction with students, instead of lecturing.
ReferenceWikipedia. (2014). Flip teaching. Retrieved on May 12, 2014, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flip_teaching
二、相關圖書Relared Books
    (欄位選擇關鍵字,輸入"e-learning" or "數位學習查詢)
    (欄位選擇關鍵字,輸入"Flipped Classroom" or "翻轉教室" or "翻轉課堂查詢)
三、相關期刊論文Related Journal Articles
1.相關中日文期刊論文Related Chinese and Japanese Journal Articles
1. 臺灣期刊論文索引系統
2. CEPS中文電子期刊資料庫
3. CNKI中國期刊全文數據庫
4. CiNii
檢索策略:以「論文名」的查詢框,輸入"教室フリップ" OR "Flipped Classroom"查詢。)
2.相關西文期刊論文Related English Journal Articles
檢索策略:以「摘要」欄位輸入”flipped classroom” 查詢學術期刊(peer review)電子全文。 )
檢索策略:以「關鍵字」欄位輸入”flipped classroom” 查詢的學術期刊(peer review)電子全文。)
四、相關博碩士及會議論文Related Theses and Dissertations
檢索策略:以題名、摘要、關鍵字與目次等欄位輸入翻轉教室” 查詢。)
五、查詢更多資料庫To Search in More Databases
六、主題相關詞查詢Topic related terms(與本館館藏連結)(links to National Chengchi
University Libraries collections)
相關網路資源Related Websites resources
相關文獻 Articles or Reports 
2. 廖怡慧(2012924)教學新思維-翻轉課堂(Flipped classroom)
透過對國外教育家Peter Pappas 的部落格來介紹翻轉教室的概念,從教師的觀點出發,來說明翻轉教室的實際做法及意涵,並用簡單的圖片來說明。
該網站幫助人們可以隨手搜整知識、樂在自我學習及凝聚群組共學,我們每天從Youtube瀏覽許多有趣、有用的影片!無論你想創作個人化學習課程,還是單純訂閱,1Know 幫助你組織、建立個人化學習清單,更方便吸收影片知識,展開新的學習生活!透過大家的創作與分享,讓你連結豐富精采課程!不用舟車奔波就能一睹大師風采!同時,記下你看過的每段影片,寫下的每段筆記,幫助你對照學習計畫,掌握進度。更方便的互動討論(類似edmodo)、班級經營(類似Classdojo)、同步教學(類似Nearpod)及電子白板功能,涵蓋了課前預習、課中活動、課後複習,讓老師建立自己的翻轉教室!
Khan Academy is an organization on a mission. It’s a not-for-profit with the goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class education for anyone anywhere. All of the site's resources are available to anyone. It doesn't matter if you are a student, teacher, home-schooler, principal, adult returning to the classroom after 20 years, or a friendly alien just trying to get a leg up in earthly biology. Khan Academy's materials and resources are available to you completely free of charge.
It's all about flipped classrooms. Provide relevant implementation case, teaching ideas, advice and tools that allow teachers throughout the exchange and sharing.
They connect the best at UT Austin to create learning environments where students succeed.  Specifically, they partner with instructors and academic units on pedagogy, technology and assessment to advance excellence in teaching and learning in face-to-face, online and hybrid environments.
The Center for Teaching and Learning promotes student learning by supporting and strengthening the UW teaching community. The Center works with individuals, departments, and communities of practice, as well as in collaboration with campus partners, to share knowledge of best practices and evidence-based research on teaching, learning, and mentoring.
Edutopia is dedicated to transforming the learning process by helping educators implement the strategies below. These strategies -- and the educators who implement them -- are empowering students to think critically, access and analyze information, creatively problem solve, work collaboratively, and communicate with clarity and impact. Discover the resources, research, experts, and fellow Edutopia members who are changing our schools.
Educators today are very busy people. Many are turning to the flipped-classroom model as a way of finding more time to spend with their students on an individual basis, at the same time providing them with flexibility and a more engaging learning experience.
The mission of the Flipped Learning Network™ is to provide educators with the knowledge, skills, and resources to successfully implement Flipped Learning.
These are the teachers who are currently contributing content to the site.  They will be soliciting article submissions once they have the site up and running with procedures in place. They will post something on this site when submissions are open.
文章標籤:翻轉教室,Flipped classroom

